5 Simple Facts on Dimple Creation Surgery in Asia
When it comes to understanding facial cosmetic surgery, people do it for a very simple reason – facial expressions are an important factor in communication and interaction with others; a little trimming on thick, mono brows can do wonders in changing someone’s perception.
In the East, according to traditional Asian folklore, having dimples indicates good fortune and fertility in an individual. In the West, however, it’s regarded as cute! On some people, dimples give off the impression of a brighter smile and it can add more character to a face. Either way, there are seven facts on dimple creation surgery in Asia:
How It's Done
Rather than touching the external surface of your skin, what actually happens is that a small incision is made inside the mouth –- under the surface of your cheek. What is cut is a small portion of cheek muscle and fat tissue, but not to worry as a dissolvable suture is then used to pull the bottom surface of your cheek together. It is closed using the sutures, which will dissolve in a few days. This is how dimples are surgically made.
Ah, duration! Under local anesthesia, the procedure is done in about twenty minutes -- the same time it takes for the popular double eyelid surgery.
Minor Surgical Procedure
In general, dimple creation surgery in Asia is a minor surgical procedure, this means that there will be minimal complications, and day-to-day activities can be resumed right after surgery.
There will be a little bit of swelling and bruising. However, antiseptic mouth-wash and antibiotics can be prescribed, which can be taken for a short period of time. Also, it is not required for patients to stay in hospitals – they are able to head off right away.
That’s right, unlike most major procedures such as double jaw surgery, a form of face contouring surgery, getting dimples surgically is reversible.
Now, onto the risks!
Despite being a minor surgical procedure, nonetheless, risks still exist. A few risks that you may want to keep in mind, and how you can prevent them are:
- Bleeding – This may occur if you are under certain medications. Checking with your doctor about this may very well prevent this from happening.
- Infection – Without antibiotics, an infection might occur.
- Operative injury -- Where nerves may be damaged and additional surgery may be needed to repair the damage.
- Asymmetrical look -- A change in position of the dimple may require more surgery.