Advantages of Having Nostril Reduction for Asians
When I was growing up, I had a cousin who was often teased because of her flared or wide nostrils. Little did we know, this would affect both her personality and the way she related to others. As teens, I would often find her hiding her face with a handkerchief, or staying home instead of joining us at parties. They moved out of town, and it was only a few years ago that we saw each other again. I was surprised by the change in her personality and looks. She looked stunning and different, and she became very outgoing! I found out later that she underwent alar base reduction surgery, which is also known as nostril reduction. I never thought that a simple surgery would change her outlook in life, and her physical appearance.
Her change was awe inspiring, and she told me that this type of nose surgery is actually very common among Asians. A lot of Asians have thicker and wider alae base, which can be very obvious when they smile or laugh. This will make the nostrils larger than usual, and the sides so thick that some people suffering from flared nostrils say it feels like they have a small tomato or onion on top of their noses! Thankfully, the advancement in the techniques and procedures in the field of cosmetic nose procedures has made it possible for medical experts to perfect nostril reduction procedure, hook nose correction surgery, and nasal tip and bridge enhancement.
What is Nostril Reduction and is it Safe?
Although there are different approaches to nostril reduction surgery, the most common procedures involve small incisions done either in the area between the septum and the nostrils, or at the outer part of the nostrils, depending on what the doctor feels is best for you. The incisions are done to excise thick tissues in those areas, and minimize the flare and thickness of the alar base. This is a very simple and minor procedure, and only requires local anesthetics. Nose reduction can also be done together with other cosmetic nose surgery procedures, for a more natural and well balanced look.
Who are Candidates for Nasal Reduction?
You might need nose reduction if your nostrils are wider than usual and tend to flare, especially when you smile, laugh, or cry. People who think that their wide alar base affects the overall “look” of their face might be candidates, too. There might be people who think they need this type of surgery but they actually don’t, and there might be people who think they don’t need this surgery but they actually do! Although alar base reduction surgery is a simple procedure with minimal risks, a medical expert can provide you with insights about how the surgery can affect your entire nose and face. This is the reason why nose reduction surgery is usually done together with tip plasty, for a more harmonious look.
Nostril reduction is not as popular when compared to other nose surgery procedures, but for someone like my cousin, who had to suffer from embarrassment and humiliation while growing up, undergoing the procedure boosted her confidence, and provided her with the opportunity to reach out and fulfill dreams.
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Tags: asian cosmetic nose surgery, nose surgery, nostril reduction
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