Becoming ‘Miss Korea’: Plastic Surgery and Self esteem
Many fans remember Lee Hyori through her previous work; intense hip-hop and dance sounds in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” and “Get Ya”. Now, the K-diva has released her new, hot single, “Miss Korea” – written by the veteran herself. The song’s Chorus, “Because I’m a Miss Korea! I’m the best girl in the world!” hints at a positive message; that everyone is good enough as they already are and anyone can be 'Miss Korea'. Tinged with melancholy, the song empathizes with your average South Korean or any girl in the world for that matter whom understands the suffering of alienation and inferiority that arises when regarded as not aesthetically pleasing enough by society’s standards.
South Korea is infamous for its Korean Plastic Surgery craze, and further emphasizing the fact - it has been reported that one in five women in Seoul have gone under the knife. Countless of K-POP stars have admitted to undergoing plastic surgery, but this controversial topic between South Korea’s celebrities and Plastic Surgery comes as little surprise; in a highly competitive society such as South Korea, others may judge you on appearances alone. This simple belief is held by most locals, who opt for plastic surgery in order to get ahead in their lives. For them, Plastic Surgery and Self esteem are inextricably linked.
Perhaps not to such an extreme but If society were to turn a blind eye to your talent due to your not having the perfect nose or double-lidded eyes, what would you do? Admit defeat, slunk in a dark, seemingly safe corner or make a risky but challenging decision? Plastic Surgery may very much not be a medical necessity and what the experts recommend for Asian Breast Augmentation rings true in this case as well; plastic surgery is a highly personal decision.
Weigh your pros and cons, what you have to lose and see if you are ready to make an informed decision. If you are keen on plastic surgery, it must be said that you are responsible for your well-being. It is of paramount importance that you find a renowned, skilled surgeon, reputable clinic and take the required steps to ensure a smooth recovery. That said, the willingness to take up responsibility for your actions or lack thereof is, ultimately, the source from which self-respect springs.