Is Your Medical Tourism Agency Legit?
(From the Left) Business License in Korea, Medical Tourism License in Korea, Tourism License in Korea, respectively
Seoul TouchUp is one of the few medical tourism agencies in South Korea that is licensed to practice medical tourism for international customers. It is also one of the few agencies that work with, and recognized by the Korean government. If you are thinking of choosing a medical tourism agency from your country or Korea, we highly encourage you to study about them before you make a decision.
Medical Tourism Agency? Be Extra Careful..
There are so many unauthorized medical tourism agencies both inside and outside Korea, and this is why the Korean government is now getting more strict on medical tourism. If an agent that is not authorized to practice medical tourism in South Korea, hosts international customers, he/she could be jailed for 2 years under Korean jurisdiction, and is subject to other legal charges (over $20,000 fine). (Source:Medical Korea)
Also, the clinic or hospital that accepts this unauthorized/illegal agent’s customers, is subject to investigation, and if get caught, they have to shut down their business for 2 years.
Make sure that the doctors are also authorized by the Korean government to provide medical services to international customers. You surely don’t want to leave your face to someone that is not certified and experienced.
Medical "Tourism" Is Still An Operation
Going on a medical trip is certainly very different from your backpack trip to Europe or honeymoon to Bali. You will have to find a plastic surgeon that is experienced and reputable, and an agency that is fully devoted to you.
Let Seoul TouchUp take care of you. Seoul TouchUp takes pride in its personalized one-on-one services that promise most relaxing and seamless medical travel in South Korea.
Too lazy to read all the details about Seoul TouchUp Services? Here is a TouchUp Screencast that briefly explains what Seoul TouchUp provides. Please don't hesitate to contact us for any comment or question!