A Journey of Teenage Plastic Surgery in Korea
Although you may have noticed that the majority of plastic surgery patients are adults, this trend is now changing and more and more teenagers are looking to get certain procedures done. This is especially becoming evident in South Korea, a country that has accepted the plastic surgery trend for all people and is likely considered to be the friendliest place to get plastic surgery done in the world.
Teenagers have always been pressured into reconsidering their plastic surgery wishes for as long as possible before having them done. Most are even encouraged to wait to their late twenties just so they can be ‘sure’ that this is something that they would like to have done on their bodies. But while the West is still very stingy on its opinions of plastic surgery and will quickly ridicule almost anyone who has plastic surgery done, Korea has become very welcoming in this regard, and the plastic surgeons in Korea understand just how important self-love and self-esteem are at this vulnerable age in a young person’s life.
Bullying is a very serious issue among teenagers, and much of it comes from outside appearances. And although bullying is not the only cause for plastic surgery, it is something that is very difficult to control from the outside, and also an issue that parents and schools don’t have a lot of power in. For a young person to have the freedom to choose how they wish their body to look like and to have the freedom to change the things that they feel insecure about is a remarkable achievement in today’s world, and it all starts in Korea.
As with any plastic surgery, the journey should start from a supportive group of people who will help you as the future patient achieve your goals without being judgmental. Teenagers have a much better understanding of their bodies than they are given credit for, and if they passionately feel displeased with their appearance, this will affect their life regardless of what the people around them think. If you are a teenager who is hoping to change something about the way you look, or if you have a child who feels this way, start by having a conversation on the topic until you fully realize what it is that you want to have done and why. Plastic surgery has advanced so much over the years, especially in Korea, and many procedures are now so routine that there is no danger of having them done and they also no longer leave behind obvious scars, or any for that matter. If teenagers do decide to have a procedure done, then Korean plastic surgery is the perfect choice and is almost certain to help the life of the patient not only at this particular time in their life but also for their future. As soon as parents come to understand that these procedures are safe, professional and will have a very positive impact on their child’s life, they can begin to research possible clinics in Korea and start this journey together and with mutual support and understanding.
Because of the very large number of teenagers that are undergoing plastic surgery procedures in Korea, there is no longer any stigma surrounding this type of surgery. Teenagers in Korea can now openly talk about the things that they wish to change about themselves and they can also freely talk about the things that they have already had done. This creates a very supportive and positive environment where young people are allowed to make their own decisions on which procedure they want done in peace and without negative influences from the outside world. South Korea is possibly the most supportive environment for plastic surgery precisely because so many people in Korea participate in it.
When parents take their children to a clinic in Korea they will be met with immense support from the doctors and supporting staff who will guide them every step of the way and give them important advice on which procedures would be the right ones for their child and how much or how little effect they would have on the child’a appearance. This is the kind of support that is not found in Western countries that still look at any physical change as something negative and do not think of the wider implications that plastic surgery can have on someone’s life. Luckily, Korea is one step ahead of the rest, and it is very reassuring to know that teenagers have a safe place to go for plastic surgery changes.
Another very important point about plastic surgery in Korea is the fantastic aftercare programs that clinics provide for all of their patients. For less serious procedures there may be no need to stay for recovery inside the clinic, but for any more complex procedures the patient will be required to stay inside the hospital for a few days until all the incisions have had enough time to heal properly. These Korean clinics provide their patients with a wonderful recovery period, and one which also includes the parents who will generally be allowed to stay with their child for as long as they wish. They can rest assured that their child will be provided with everything that they need for a fast recovery, and that they are in the hands of the best plastic surgeons in Korea during this period. Additionally, even if there is no need to stay inside the clinic for a few days, Korea’s acceptance of plastic surgery means that simply spending a few extra days in Korea is enough of a recovery. Teenagers who have undergone any procedures can walk the streets of Korea knowing that they will not be judged on their choices, which will give them just enough time to get used to the new change before safely returning home.
As a teenager, you can undergo the same plastic surgeries that adults can, and your advantage is that you are likely to recover a lot faster from the procedures as well. Whether you are thinking of having cosmetic eyelid surgery, or any other procedure, what you need to focus on is how you feel that this will impact your life. It will allow you to have more confidence in yourself, to be more open to communicating with people, to pursue a better career, and to live a more fulfilling life, because you will no longer waste any energy wondering about your physical appearance.
Having plastic surgery done for the first time is never an easy choice to make for any patient no matter how old, but perhaps it is even more difficult for young people who have to deal with their peers, who wish to change something about themselves to feel better, and who also need to struggle with the support of their parents because they cannot have any procedure done without their consent. Korea has long understood that plastic surgery should be no different than a haircut, a diet, makeup, or anything else that is done in order to make someone feel good about who they are. South Korea is the best place for plastic surgery for young people both physically and emotionally, and it is full of professional surgeons who have years of experience in the field, and who also have experience with working with young people.
Additionally, there are many agencies in Korea that specialize in medical tourism, and who can help you book clinics, hotels, and plan your entire trip with ease. This is a very important support group, because you can spend your time focusing on the surgery and the recovery, and not have to worry about other minor issues that come with traveling. Your entire energy and focus will be on your child, or on yourself if you are the patient. Korea is so well organized when it comes to plastic surgery that there really is no other country in the world that can compete with it. If you are passionate about your surgery, start by looking up a few clinics and a few medical surgery agencies, and you will soon see just how easy it is to get plastic surgery done in Korea.