How Honest Should You Be About Your Plastic Surgery
One of the first things that you’ll probably need to do is to organize the free days that you will need with your boss, especially if you have decided to actually go to Korea to have your surgery done. If your boss does happen to be a very kind and understanding person then you might wish to tell him the precise reasons why you will need to leave work. However, if you know that they will become judgmental or deny you your free leave because they don’t think that plastic surgery is a good enough reason, there is no need to tell them the whole truth. You could easily just mention that you will need to undergo a procedure to improve your health and leave it at that. Getting plastic surgery done is no small thing, and you need to do everything you can to stay positive and ensure that you have as much support as possible from your environment. If you leave for Korea knowing that your boss is angry at you, it will be one more item of pressure that you will constantly be thinking about. The same is true for your colleagues. You should only mention your surgery to those who will be supportive or who also happen to be very close friends of yours. Otherwise keep away from the details and just say that you will be leaving for a few days for health reasons. It will be a lot easier to deal everyone when you come back than before you leave.