Plastic Surgery After Childbirth
Childbirth is one of the most beautiful things in the world and one of the most treasured times for all parents. However, the aftermath can be very different for women depending on their initial body look, genetics, size of baby and how the delivery went. While some women recover relatively quickly and don’t look much different from how they once did, other women go through much more drastic physical changes, many of which cannot be reversed by simply eating a healthy diet and going to the gym.
Despite the beauty of having a child, women who have experienced a serious change in their appearance after childbirth must also come to terms with the way their body looks now. It is very unlikely that you can be left unfazed by a change in your weight, skin and muscle structure after birth, and it is even more difficult if you happen to be one of those cases where the change is likely to be permanent. While many people may try to influence you into thinking that you should simply accept the way you now look, the truth is that they are not inside your skin and cannot feel the emotional impact that childbirth has on a woman. New clothes and new physical challenges are only a few things that become very different after childbirth, but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing to be done. Korean plastic surgery is a wonderful chance to go give your body a makeover, as little or as big as you want, and it will allow you to enjoy your life with confidence and not with compromise.
Before you make any other decision towards your plastic surgery goal, you will need to first understand that there is a specific time when surgery can be performed on a new mother. Your body is very raw after childbirth, and it also must first focus on providing the best possible milk for the child, and must also be allowed enough time to recover on its own as much as possible. It took your body nine months to give birth, and it will take it another nine months to go back to as close to its original shape as it possibly can. Plastic surgery is not recommended during this initial recovery period as you may affect the natural flow of your body’s recovery. Instead of focusing on plastic surgery during this period, focus on getting your body as healthy and as strong as possible, not for the surgery but for yourself. Embrace your new life, and more importantly, wait for enough time to pass so that you can see exactly what changes you want to make. Most of the excess weight will be gone by the end of the nine month recovery period and your skin will regenerate as much as it possibly can. Once you are past this point and can take a new look at your body you will be able to see exactly which areas you would like to change. Write down everything that you think could be improved with plastic surgery, wait for a little more time to pass so that you can confirm your decision, and then take this list to your future plastic surgeon for an honest consultation. After all, the best plastic surgeons are often thought to be in Korea. The more you plan in advance the easier it will be during and after the plastic surgery procedure.
There are so many specific things that you will be able to change on your post-baby body, both small and large procedures, which will give you a wonderful makeover. The most popular plastic surgery procedures for new mothers are often breast augmentation surgery, reduction of excess skin, and liposuction. During pregnancy your skin to great lengths in a very short period of time, and although this is normal when it comes to pregnancies, there are often cases when the skin becomes so stretched that it can no longer go back to its original, elastic shape. If you notice that your lower stomach has been very saggy for a long time after giving birth, chances are that the skin has stretched beyond its limits and that it can now never go back to what it once looked like. A surgery which removes this excess skin would be very beneficial for you, and it also not a very serious procedure to begin with. Liposuction is also a great option for removing any unwanted fat that you simply cannot seem to get rid of on your own, and with so many new ways to conduct liposuction in Korea, your doctor will be able to offer you the best possible style of liposuction for your body and needs. Breast augmentation is a more serious procedure, but it is one that has outstanding results on all women and give the whole body a much better and firmer appearance.
Although some people tend to take plastic surgery procedures to the extreme, the truth is that the whole point of having a procedure done is enhance your natural beauty and not to completely change who you are. As a new mother you should aim for a procedure that will make you happy and confident, but also one that will not be a huge change at such an already sensitive period of your life. Very serious procedures that have long recovery times will likely keep you away from your child for longer periods than you would like, and this is something that will ultimately make you sadder and not happier. Many clinics in Korea offer special packages and ideas for new mothers, with procedures that balance your new busy lifestyle with a quick change that will not take a lot of time to heal. A great piece of advice if you find yourself in this situation is to start with the part of your body that you now feel the least confident with, and to wait and see whether or not you actually want anything else done. If your tummy is back to its tight and health self again, will you want any additional changes to be made, or will you feel satisfied with this one great change? Plastic surgery is a process that requires a lot of thought and as much support as possible both from your doctor and from your family. Having said that, you should also know that a well thought-out plastic surgery plan is not nearly as stressful as people make it out to be, and the Korean plastic surgery clinic of your choice will also have a very comfortable recovery area where you will also be able to bring your child if you need to. With so many options available, you will surely find the right one for you as long you stay positive and know your body well.
Postpartum depression can occur both due to chemical reactions in the body after childbirth, but it can also occur due to a sudden drop in self-esteem. Only mothers understand just how difficult pregnancy and birth really are, and if there is a way to make yourself feel better and in return live a much happier family life, then there is no reason why the wonderful advancements in Korean plastic surgery should be shunned.
If you are unsure of how to tackle this journey, there are many examples of women online who have shared their stories about plastic surgery after childbirth and how it has changed their life. If you do not have any personal acquaintances to talk to, this is a great way to get an insight into just how beneficial these procedures could be for you. Take time to read through their stories, see if these women have gone through the same changes as you have, and note down all the procedures that they mention as an option. When you have a big list to choose from it will be a lot easier for you to make your final decision. Support is essential for any change made in life and plastic surgery is no different, but this support should come from people who are experienced in what they are talking about and who could give you essential and important advice. Once everything is over and you are able to enjoy a new look, perhaps you will also consider sharing your story with others.