Thai Women Undergo Jaw Surgery in Latest Episode of ‘Let Me In’
Cosmetic surgery in Korea is hugely popular in Asia, so popular that there are now make-over television shows such as “Let Me In”. There’s even a show that features reverse plastic surgery, and it’s titled “Back to My Face”.
On September 4, an episode of “Let Me In” had featured two Thai girls who both had surgery to get rid of a misaligned jaw. For those not in the loop, the general premise behind the show is that men and women try to convince the show’s hosts that they need surgery, sharing their experiences which are oftentimes filled with a history of bullying or discrimination due to a physical abnormality.
It was no exception with these girls, Nichakorn Kuhachit and Nisanat Tangdat, the two women chosen out of 2,000 applications to be flown over to Korea for Gangnam plastic surgery.
According to RocketNews24, Nichakorn Kuhachit was teased with the nickname “Monkey” due to her prominent underbite. In addition to correcting the underbite, the surgeons had also removed a tumour that was found on her chest.
Below: Nisanat on the other hand, had several procedures done but also transformed her five-mm underbite.
An over bite or an underbite is no fun, as reflected in Jodie Harts’ case where her underbite was so severe she couldn’t even eat an apple. Fixing the jawline has both medical and aesthetic purposes, but not everyone would agree on that since it is considered an invasive form of surgery. But to each their own. All in all, it’s nice to see women gain a renewed sense of empowerment in their daily lives.