The Importance of Ptosis Eye Correction Surgery to Asians
Asian eyes are quite unique compared to those of Caucasian and other ethnic groups. Factors such as inherited genes and the needs of primeval Asians to survive extreme weather conditions are the basic reasons why Asian eyes look narrower and slanted. With the emergence of the highly specialized eye cosmetic procedures, and the advancement of medical science and doctors who specialize in these procedures, eye cosmetic procedures have gained popularity for aesthetic purposes, particularly for people of Asian descent.
These cosmetic eyelid surgery procedures are meant to improve one’s look, but they are also done for people who suffer from the implications of having narrower eyes, such as blurred vision or those who suffer from limited peripheral vision. Asians also have other eye problems that can be easily corrected surgically, like ptosis.
What is Ptosis?
Ptosis is a very common condition in Asians. There are thousands of people suffering from this condition who are of Asian descent, but no one really uses ptosis to describe this condition. It is common for people to describe ptosis as drooping or sagging eyelids. Ptosis can be inborn, or may develop later in life when the muscles found on the upper eyelid. It occurs when the levator palpebris muscle does not function properly, and manifests through the significant drooping or sagging of the upper eyelids. It can also be caused by certain medical conditions which can affect the eyelids and eye muscles.
People who suffer from this condition have to contend with eyes that look misshapen or asymmetrical. This can cause low self-esteem, an inferiority complex, and can affect one’s ability to form relationships. Unlike other eye problems that are not that noticeable, ptosis is so obvious and evident that there is no other recourse for people who are suffering from it but to seek medical help. Fortunately, ptosis eye correction surgery is readily available, safe, and affordable.
Is Ptosis Eye Correction Surgery the Answer?
Ptosis is no longer a condition that you have to live with for the rest of your life. An appointment with a certified medical expert to discuss your condition will allay your fears and encourage you to undertake this cosmetic procedure. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem once and for all, then yes, ptosis eye correction surgery is the answer.
The procedure is quite simple, and a hospital stay is not needed. The method used for ptosis correction has some similarities with double eyelid surgery, where a full incision is done to lift up the eyelids and remove extra skin, fat tissues, and muscles that aggravate this condition. Two weeks after the procedure, a significant change is evident, and before you know it, your eyes look much better than how they used to be. Thousands of men and women have undergone this procedure and have no regrets. It has given them a new lease on life, an opportunity to enjoy clearer vision, and an invigorated look.
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Tags: Cosmetic Eyelid surgery, Ptosis Eye Correction Surgery
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