Understanding Asian Nose Bridge Surgery
Asian nose bridge surgery is used to alter the appearance of a typically flatter and lower set
nose. People who decide to undergo this surgery often do so because the end result can give a
better overall shape to the face, and will also lift the nose to make it look sharper and more even.
The Distinct Appearance of the Nose Bridge
The Asian nose bridge is different from the Caucasian one because it has a lower bridge, wider
base, and a small tip at the end. Asian noses are generally considered very cute because of their
small appearance, but there still minor changes that people wish to make with their noses in
order to give them a more prominent appearance.
People of Asian descent generally have thicker skin, which is actually a great thing for Asian
nose bridge surgery because it can mean a faster recovery period and a better base shape to
start the surgery from.
What the Nose Bridge Changes in Terms of Appearance
A successful Asian nose bridge surgery creates a hook nose correction, making the nose look
bigger and with a more defined contour. Most Korean Plastic Surgery procedures aim to give the
nose more height and vertical projection of the bridge. Not all noses are the same of course, so
the final product will be somewhat different from one person to another, but the overall
finished look will make the nose a more noticeable feature of the face, which is what most Asian
clients wish for. A good nose bridge can also aid nostril reduction because the added height to
the nose gives it more lift, and in turn, it also lifts the nostrils and makes them look smaller.
Recovery Time
Many Asian patients recover from these surgeries very quickly, and the reason is usually
because of the thicker skin that was previously mentioned in this article. The only additional
advice that patients are given is to stay away from any sports activities for another six weeks or
so after the surgery. This is just to make sure that everything has healed properly and is in the
right place, because a sudden hit to the nose during this delicate time could change its shape if
it has not healed properly. There may be some swelling of the nose tissue during the recovery
period, but this will generally go down very quickly. The doctor will always advise his patients
what to do in such situations, and it is very important that patients follow the doctor’s advice at
all times.
The nose is one of the most important parts of a face because it creates a balance between the
eyes, the cheeks and the lips. It can make a person look younger and healthier if it brings out
their eyes and develops a more natural look to their features, and yet still keep the ethnicity of
the person intact. As long as you take your doctor’s advice throughout the process, you can rest
assured that procedure is a very safe one, and will give you very positive results once completed.