What Everybody Ought to Know About Double Jaw Surgery
Claimed to be the latest fad among plastic surgery enthusiasts, double jaw surgery is said to be a dangerous procedure to undergo; with possible side effects ranging from excessive bleeding to numbness to nerve damage. For many people suffering from a severe case of an overbite or under-bite, it makes sense to undergo double jaw surgery. However, what about for others who want slimmer, smaller faces but who have otherwise decent looks? They are simply not content with how they look.
Right now, It seems that many men and women want a sharp, pointy, “V-shaped” chin and jawline as it is considered to be a mark of beauty in East Asian societies. Other such attributes include double-lidded, big, round eyes and a nose with a high bridge. Altering the physique is usually done for medical purposes or for vanity, either way – double jaw surgery is a very invasive procedure as it dramatically alters the entire bone structure of the face. Similar to what the experts recommend for Asian breast augmentation, it is generally advised that these procedures should only be done out of one’s own wishes since the consequences will fall on you; which include a long, painful post-operative journey and reveling in the afterglow of a smooth recovery.
That said, it must be stressed that seeking others out for support during recovery is just as important. With an estimated 52% having reported to having experienced some sensory problems such as facial numbness, there has even been a case of severe nerve damage affecting one woman’s ability to chew food and had her tear duct affected; this college student had then committed suicide from this ongoing beauty obsession in small faces, leaving loved ones with a suicide note explaining her pain. Perhaps she had panicked, was overwhelmed, and was not thinking straight as problems do have solutions. That was an unfortunate case, which is why allowing yourself to be vulnerable; surrounding yourself around trusted, loved ones during recovery is strongly advised.
What everybody ought to know about double jaw surgery or any other invasive surgical procedure is that it comes with consequences that could turn overwhelming and everyone should only seek out reputable, board-certified plastic surgeons to perform this procedure. For people interested in double jaw surgery, seeking out the support from loved ones is just as necessary as taking care of your body during the post-operative period. Double jaw surgery is particularly hyped up in South Korea, the hot spot for plastic surgery purposes in all of Asia as reflected by easily found statistics. While there are questionable, unlicensed surgeons in every part of the world, it is a fact that lots of people flock to South Korea for the best practices of Korean Plastic Surgery.